Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) – fact or fiction?

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Why electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a biologically expected reaction to harmful radiation.

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Why electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a biologically expected reaction to harmful radiation

Is electrohypersensitivity (EHS), caused by mobile phone radiation, a fact or all in the imagination? It is comprehensible why the mobile phone industry declares this illness to be imaginary. It would be damaging to their business if their products were associated with the consequences of illness. However, the authorities responsible for health and radiation protection also claim that EHS is a psychological, anxiety-induced reaction. They deny connections with radiation exposure and claim that there is no underlying cause-and-effect mechanism.

The available evidence for this correlation and the requirement for causality as a prerequisite for the recognition of a disease are the subject of this article by Peter Hensinger and Bernd I. Budzinski, as are the reasons for discrimination against people with electrohypersensitivity. With the kind permission of the authors, we can make this article available to you. You can download it as a PDF in English and German (see below). Many thanks!

Why electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a biologically expected reaction to harmful radiation
Table of contents:

  1. EHS – an accepted effect of radiation until the 1990s
  2. Mechanisms of action for electrohypersensitivity have been decoded
  3. The claim of causality as a pseudo-scientific distraction
    • Violation of the constitution: unprotected exposure to radiation without applying the precautionary principle
    • The limit values are unacceptable
  4. The role of the psyche
    • Collective risk displacement 
  5. The unauthorized disease – some further arguments in the public discourse
    • Electrohypersensitive reactions meet with a lack of understanding
    • Misconceptions lead to underestimation of the risk
    • The thermal dogma is no longer tenable


Peter Hensinger, MA, studied pedagogy, German literature and liguistics. At the environmental and consumer protection organization diagnose:funk, he oversees the research and review of scientific studies, among others, for the database www.EMFdata.org and the publishing of the ElektrosmogReport.

Bernd I. Budzinski, lawyer, administrative judge (retired). For 15 years, he has analyzed the legal aspects of the current body of EMF research regarding wireless communications technologies and has published numerous articles on the subject, especially in the Neuen Juristischen Wochenzeitschrift. He is an EMF activist who is actively engaged with the movement in the City of Freiburg.

This is a translation of “Elektrohypersensibilität (EHS) – Tatsache oder Einbildung?

Katharina Gustavs is a Building Biology Professional in Victoria, Canada, who translated the Building Biology Online Course IBN.
info@katharinaconsulting.com | katharinaconsulting.com


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