Articles and Information in English
Healthy building and living: Guidance for a healthy and sustainable living and work environment – well-founded, diverse, up-to-date. Have fun searching and finding, reading and understanding, diving in and getting ahead! For more information, visit
14. Juni 2024
Why electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a biologically expected reaction to harmful radiation.
Articles and Information in English
Katharina Gustavs is a Building Biology Testing Specialist IBN, nutritionist, and translator on Vancouver Island / Canada. From there, she has for many years been promoting building biology in the English-speaking world. She also supervises and translates the English version of the Building Biology Correspondence Course IBN. In this interview she talks about her background and what inspires her about building biology.
Schneider, IBN
Articles and Information in English
27. September 2023
For decades, the conditions around high-voltage power lines have been fairly stable, the structure and type of power grids have hardly changed, and it has been well established what types of electromagnetic fields to expect and how to measure relevant exposure levels. This is about to change now and in the future.
Dr. Manfred
Articles and Information in English
Most people talk about healthy and sustainable living. But what about workplaces, home offices and other high-use areas? Is everything okay in these areas from a building biology perspective?
Articles and Information in English
26. April 2020
Everybody is talking about 5G. The electrosmog debate has been stirred up again and all those concerns about the exposure to electromagnetic fields as well. The industry in particular, but also many other people would like to have faster and more powerful data networks. Yet others are concerned about radiation risks and data security. So what can building biology contribute to the solution, what do we know so far, and what do we have to expect from the future development of our ambient wireless environment?
Dr. Manfred
Articles and Information in English
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