Building biology interior decoration: the creative use of natural materials
Gyan Schneider of Innenraum is a color designer and an experienced processor of clay and lime. As a Building Biology Consultant IBN with a Building Biology Consulting Office IBN and as a member of the Building Biology Association (VB), he is dedicated to building biology. He puts his heart and soul into enhancing spaces with colorful and harmonious designs. He also shares his artful aesthetics for healthy materials as the leader of the regular workshops for “Building Biology Interior Decoration IBN.” The last one took place in the beautiful conference rooms of the educational center in Loheland near Fulda.
He was supported by two more experts: Silvio Stolpe, a master painter, Building Biology Consultant IBN, and expert in sustainable building, and Peter Sellinger, a master church painter, interior designer, and decorative painter. Both also have extensive expertise in clay and lime plasters, the use of innovative materials, and historic paints and formulations.
The participants were an eclectic mix: architects and interior designers, masons working with clay, carpenters, interior decorators, engineers, the head of a painting company, a psychologist, a feng shui consultant, and others. Some of them were already trained Building Biology Consultants IBN.
The exchange between the different experts was exciting, inspiring, and fruitful. The natural location of the conference venue and its more than 100-year-old history also made the workshop a relaxing event.
Creating healthy living spaces
Gyan Schneider skillfully introduced the topic of building biology interior decoration, emphasizing its effects on the body, mind, and soul, but also on environmental protection. For example, much of the microplastics in the oceans come from the abrasion of plastic surfaces. Synthetic color pigments not only have an adverse effect on the environment, but they are also bad for color perception because they make colors appear dull.
He presented practical examples of building biology-based wall assemblies, including their properties and environmental performance, such as interior insulation with wood fibers and thermoactive wall components, but also products for shielding against electrosmog. He always pointed out new products, such as a shielding reinforcing fabric for sorptive plasters.
In his presentation “Color Knowledge in Interior Design,” he emphasized that color spaces should have an energizing and positive effect. Each color within a color system has an effect. He illustrated this by walking around the room with a painting and holding it up in front of a green meadow and a black monitor.
Gyan Schneider provided guidance throughout the workshop with compassion, expertise, and craftsmanship.
The experienced presenters made available many tools, components, sample boards, and products.
Building biology-based wall assemblies were presented with their properties and environmental performance, such as interior insulation with wood fibers and thermoactive wall components by Silvio Stolpe ...
... or for shielding against electrosmog.
Gyan Schneider provided guidance throughout the workshop with compassion, expertise, and craftsmanship.2
The experienced presenters made available many tools, components, sample boards, and products.3
Building biology-based wall assemblies were presented with their properties and environmental performance, such as interior insulation with wood fibers and thermoactive wall components by Silvio Stolpe …4
… or for shielding against electrosmog.
Designing with colored plasters
Silvio Stolpe is an experienced master painter, a clay builder, a Building Biology Consultant IBN, and an expert in the remediation of building damage and mold. He introduced clay and lime plasters and supervised the work on prepared samples. Soon a lively atmosphere developed as the participants experimented with the many colored products available. From simple base coats to elegant, naturally colored design plasters, there were many products to try. Time and again, the presenters gave tips on how to use the tools, from electric mixers to sponge boards, from brick trowels to special Japanese trowels for corners. Walls prepared with wattle and daub and with hemp-lime blocks were plastered. One group built a wall section with hemp-lime blocks and finished it with a clay plaster. All learned how to create smooth surfaces by felting and smoothing.
Silvio inspired the participants to build with innovative building materials, such as hemp-lime blocks and straw insulation panels. He also gave practical tips on how to reduce costs, such as the fact that naturally moist clay plasters are much cheaper than dried plaster products. So he acquired special machinery. When he talked lime, his specialty, he pointed out that the addition of cellulose increases the processing time, stores water, and thus makes working with clay much easier. In a practical presentation on mold remediation, he noted that alkaline materials such as lime products have antimicrobial properties. For the removal of surface mold, he recommended to avoid chlorine-based products and to use a 70% alcohol solution instead.
Participants worked outdoors: mixing, laying bricks, plastering, smoothing, and sharing their experiences
Wall section made of hemp-lime blocks, finished with a clay plaster, and decorated with an ornament by the clay expert Silvio Stolpe
A prepared wall section to which participants applied lime plaster
The wattle and daub wall section was finished with a clay plaster
Experiments with different clay products and additives that were available in abundance
Experiments with lime and different pigments
The veins and shapes of leaves pressed into the lime plaster create an organic pattern
Experimenting with shapes and colors in preparation for the creative workshop
Participants worked outdoors: mixing, laying bricks, plastering, smoothing, and sharing their experiences6
Wall section made of hemp-lime blocks, finished with a clay plaster, and decorated with an ornament by the clay expert Silvio Stolpe7
A prepared wall section to which participants applied lime plaster8
The wattle and daub wall section was finished with a clay plaster9
Experiments with different clay products and additives that were available in abundance10
Experiments with lime and different pigments11
The veins and shapes of leaves pressed into the lime plaster create an organic pattern12
Experimenting with shapes and colors in preparation for the creative workshop
Creative coloring workshop
With his company Delikate Maltechniken in Reichersbeuern, Germany, Peter Sellinger creates nuanced designs, works with color therapy-based approaches, creates concepts that radiate life, and helps others to do things and trust their own creativity. In his creative workshop with historical colors and recipes, he skillfully led us into the creative process with right- and left-handed exercises. His well-structured ideas quickly showed colorful results. Those who wanted to could follow his guidelines and structures. Those who wanted to break free followed their own emerging shapes and colors. This made it easy for everyone to find ideas and express their creativity. By walking through the rows and repeatedly giving tips such as “shadows make colors shine,” he strengthened our confidence in the world of creativity.
The days of inspiration and hard work went by in a flash. And everyone took home a lot of knowledge, experience, and confidence in their own creativity.
Presenter Peter Sellinger fueled the creative process with tips and tricks
Tools for creative design
Colorful experiments with shapes and colors
The full range of lime-proof pigments was available to all participants
Presenter Peter Sellinger fueled the creative process with tips and tricks14
Tools for creative design15
Colorful experiments with shapes and colors16
The full range of lime-proof pigments was available to all participants
… for upcoming dates of “Building Biology Interior Decoration IBN” workshops. Among others, you will learn the following skills:
- Working with clay and lime plasters
- Designing with color
- Making your own paints
- Shielding against electrosmog
- Remediating mold damage
This is a translation of “Baubiologische Raumgestaltung: Kreativer Umgang mit Naturmaterialien“
Katharina Gustavs is a Building Biology Professional in Victoria, Canada, who translated the Building Biology Online Course IBN. |
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